
Missionary Work is FUN!

This page has random pictures of the missionaries, working, eating, zone conferences, new & adios missionaries, preparation day activities and having Missionary Fun! 
At the Temple, In our Home and At the Airport!
Singing and playing The Cup Song.
Eliza & Hna Cardenaz & Hna Ochoa
Food - Fun - Hanging with the missionaries on a Preparation Day!
Elder Orellana thought this man looked liked Albert Einstein  - So I asked if we could have a picture with him -
Elder Orellana was so embarrassed!!

Assistants - Elder Martinez and Elder McCallum got the truck stuck in the MUD - 
- the Truck Won!!

Amazing Christmas Party 2013

The mission was divided up into 2 groups - we were able to go to a rest home and sing, read stories and visit with the residence.  
It was fun to see the residence come alive and after time start singing with us - some of our Elders helped prepare lunch.

After the rest home we had lunch, President spoke to us, homemade treats, a Christmas gift and lot of Christmas Carols - great way to bring the 
Christmas Spirit!

Making Christmas Treats and Cookies for the Missionaries!!!
This table is about a 1/4 of the Plates made.  
Thank you to Hermana's Coburn's family for all the help, goodies, packages and love!!


When we first got there - this man would only
tap his cup on the table and would not
respond to anyone or anything.
Hermana Porter would not give up and......

by the end this man was holding her hand and
responding to the music!
Love does Miracles.

One of the Great things about Costa Rica is you can visit
year round Outdoors -  Beautiful December!

Today the Missionaries brought life into this home with
song and stories.

Making Lunch Elder Style!

"Glory to God in the Highest"

Our Meeting after the rest home.
Homeless Man outside the rest home.
Cookies - Toffee - Caramels!!

Elder Bennion on the Harmonica and
Hermana Ashton on the Guitar!


Singing Praises! 

Reading the Christmas Story

Emma Practicing her Spanish

Have you ever seen a Happier Face!!

Elder Soza gave this man his Christmad Bells!

Photo Bomb by the Elders!

This is Hermana Coburn - her Mom and Dad helped bring &
make the Christmas Goodies for the Missionaries.
Angles are Among Us!

Elder Richardson always introduces Joseph as his
Brother - he has been an Example to Joseph in Word and Deed - Love this Elder!

Armies of Helaman

Elders on Lunch Duty

We have the Best & Happiness Elders!

Elder Richardson and some of the Wilkinson Family

President and his Daughters

President and his Family!

With the Help from Family and Friends in the States we put together over 100 Christmas packages with food, ties, jewelry, socks, goodies, journals, pens, fingernail polish, hair accessories, small games and more. 

Every missionary had a package to open on 
Christmas Morning!



Many people are "Kept from the truth because they know not where to find it" (D & C 123:12.)

Our Missionaries Find the People of Costa Rica who the Lord has Prepared & who are Converted to His Gospel Enter the Waters of Baptism. 

“Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name,
that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost” (3 Nephi 27:20).

September 22, 2012
Carlos Barquero and his new wife Karen Ortiz de Barquero.  
Zona Toyopan Area Zurqui.The Elders who helped Convert the Barquero family:

Elder Johnson
Elder Hernandez
Elder Pittam
Elder Scheffler

October 21, 2012
Carlos and Guiselle
Zona Los Yoses

The Elders/Hermanas who helped teach Carlos & Guiselle:

Hermana Wilkinson
Elder Alfaro
Elder Vargas
Elder Thorsen

Mini missionary, Elder Rudy Morales, Gustavo Cordero, Tatiana Solís and Elder Thompson. January 2013.

Elder Thompson, Gustavo, Tatiana 
January 2013

Zone Conferences - Monthly Check-Up Luncheon

(left to right front) Elder Revel, Elder Bitton, Elder Thorsen (left to right back) Eliza, Emma and Mary
The cake the AP's made for Mary on her Birthday(It's a golf course)
(left to right) Elder Alfaro, Mary and Elder Thorsen

July 2012 Zone Interviews in Atlantica

This is Mary and are first AP's
(left to Right) Elder Thorsen, Elder Bitton(Home) and Elder Alfaro

Eliza & Elder Alfaro eating Sugar Cane

 Joseph & Elder Bitton


Mary & Hermana Martino. Changes Meeting July 29, 2012

New Elders from Provo MTC July 30, 2012

New Hermana's from Guatemala MTC July 30, 2012

August 1, 2012 Adios Elders & Hermana

Family Wilkinson & Guiselle & Carlos Baptism October 2012

New Trainers Lunch October 2012

TOP CHEF - Watch Out!  Thank you Elders for your Help

New Trainers Lunch October 2012

Elder Thorsen - Showing Joseph who is Really Toughest!

4 WEEKS AFTER MISSIONARIES ARRIVE IN COSTA RICA - THEY ARE BROUGHT IN TO SAN JOSE FOR MEETINGS WITH THE PRESIDENT.  After the meetings we have a New/Trainers Lunch!  These are random photos from the November Lunch!


40+ pieces of Chicken and 40+ pieces of Steak!
Elders Mason and Alfaro Saved the day by helping me Grill!!

Over 50 Avocados, 5 onions, cilantro and fresh Lime make up over 3 Gallons of Guacamole!


Missionaries Love to play the Piano in the Mission Home.  Sometimes they gather around and sing hymns!



Typical Plate of Food:  Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, Tortillas, Tuna Salad, Fresh Pineapple, Rice, Beans, Carrots  Green Salad, Cake or Brownies with Ice Cream for Dessert.

Zone Conference November 2013

 Elder Alfaro with our Family in December 2013

Elders Pittam, Harris and Caldaron teaching the zone.

Happy Elders and Hermana's!!! At Zone Conference

Elder Johanson & Fernandez teaching at Zone Conference in the Limon Zone.  


Thanksgiving Day:  Office Elders with our family after dinner.  We played "Cup-Ball"  a very fun game - invented by Presidents mother and our children!

Preparation Day in Monte de la Cruz

This is me NOT giving the Elders a Hug!! It was pouring rain that day.

With Hermana Brown (returned missionary from CR - former nurse in the mission), and amazing members in the Heredia area of Costa Rica.

Biggest zone in the mission:  Alajuela Zone

Elders Cerrato and Sperry came early to
help me get ready for a new/trainers Lunch!  
Great - Wonderful Elders!

Elders - ALWAYS have your plaque's on!

Arrival of Elders/Hermanas from the Provo MTC.  
They had gotten up at 2:00 am to catch the flight to Costa Rica, they arrived in CR at 9:00 pm - were in bed by 11:00 pm and at the mission home the next morning by 6:30 am for Breakfast and interviews with President.  Some played basketball in our yard - while others took the chance to get a little more sleep!

Only some of the Zone Leaders - in the office for a Zone Leaders Council! December 2013

Welcome to Costa Rica

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Elders Cordaba & Cherrington with Mary, Eliza & Joseph.  
Touring the spot where the Country of Costa Rica was first dedicated for Missionary Work.

Emma and Eliza - on 1 of the many stops with new elders at the Costa Rica Temple.

                                                     Elders Cherrington and Cordaba

Welcome Elder Valencia with President and Assistants Elders Orellana and Vargus

Elder Valencia

Christmas Devotional 2013:
Spiritual Meeting with President, teaching and learning.  After the meeting lunch and skits  (each group was given a bag with props and then given 10 minutes to come up with a skit to preform in front of everyone)





Mary, Emma, Joseph and Eliza made Sugar Cookies for each Missionary for Christmas!!



Getting Christmas Gifts from President and Family and a Christmas Card from the First Presidency!

Joseph and Elder Sperry - Best Friends......oh, and Joseph is trying to Pick-Pocket Elder Sperry, his plaqua & pens!

Elders from Limon:  November 2012

Nothing better then French Toast after a good morning of Exercise!

Hermana Romero - We Love You!

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